Obveščamo vas, da bodo v času prireditve »LAMPIONČKI«, to je 16. in 17. maja 2017, v naselju na Gosposvetski
zaprti fitnes na prostem, igrišče in prostor za obštudijsko dejavnost.

Od 16. do 17. maja 2017 bodo izklopljena dvigala v vseh študentskih domovih.

Vstop v domove bo 16.5.2017 od 8. ure dopoldan možen samo ob predložitvi domske izkaznice. Nestanovalcem, ki jih
stanovalci – gostitelji ne bodo prijavili, vstop v domove ne bo dovoljen. Skupno število prijavljenih obiskovalcev v
posameznih domovih bo omejeno. Za vso morebitno škodo, hrup in druge kršitve domskega reda materialno in
disciplinsko odgovarja stanovalec, ki je obisk sprejel.

Vnašanje alkohola v domove je strogo prepovedano!

Stanovalci so dolžni zaklepati svoje sobe in apartmaje ter s tem samozaščitno skrbeti za svoje premoženje.

Od vseh stanovalcev pričakujemo, da boste v domovih spoštovali določila Pravilnika o domskem redu in navodila
varnostno receptorske službe.

Želimo vam prijetno druženje!

Lidija Divjak Mirnik, prof.

We are informing you that on 16th and 17th of May 2017 during the event "LAMPIONČKI", the outdoor fitness, the
playground and the place for extracurricular activities on campus Gosposvetska will be closed.

From 16th to 17th of May 2017 the elevators in all student dormitories will be turned off.

On 16th of May 2017, after 8 am, the entry in all dorms will be possible only with the dormitory card. Guests, who will not
be signed up to the receptionist/security by their hosts, will not be allowed to enter any of student dorms. A total number
of registered guests in individual dorms will be limited. The student who will have a guest in the room, will be materially
and disciplinary responsible for any kind of damage, noise and other violations of the Dormitory Rules caused by him or
his guests.

Bringing alcohol in dorms is strictly prohibited!

Students are obliged to lock their rooms and apartments, and thereby protect their own property.

We expect from all students to respect the Dormitory Rules as well as instructions of receptionists and security service.

We wish you to have a nice time!

Lidija Divjak Mirnik, prof.