Stanovalce obveščamo, da v referatih in pri gospodinjah

ne bo uradnih ur od 24.12. 2018 do 2. 1. 2019.

V četrtek, 20. 12. 2018 bodo uradne ure od 9. do 14. ure za vsa naselja samo v naselju Gosposvetska.
V petek, 21. 12. 2018 bodo uradne ure v vseh naseljih od 8. do 11. ure.

Vljudno prosimo, da vse zadeve uredite v času uradnih ur pred ali po praznikih.

Načrt o izrabi delovnega časa Univerze v Mariboru za leto 2018
določa kolektivni dopust v času od 24.12. do 31. 12. 2018.
Zato v tem času ne bo dostave poštnih pošiljk.

Želimo vam prijetne praznike in uspešno leto 2019!

V. d. direktorica UM ŠD
Mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič


We would like to inform you that from 24th of December 2018 until 2nd of January 2019
the Students Office and the Office of housekeeper in all campuses will be closed.

On Thursday 20th of December 2018 the working hours will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in campus Gosposvetska.
On Friday 21st of December 2018 the working hours will be from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in all campuses.

We kindly ask you to arrange all necessary matters during office hours before or after the holidays.

According to the Plan for the use of the working time of the University of Maribor for the year 2018, the collective leave is
in the period from 24th of December 2018 until 31st of December 2018.

Therefore, there will be no delivery of postal items during this time.

We wish you a pleasant holidays and a successful year 2019!

Mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič