Vse stanovalce Študentskih domov obveščamo, da bomo 15. 4. 2019 izvedli čiščenje kolesarnic po naseljih.
Pri tem bomo iz kolesarnic odstranili vsa kolesa, ki niso v voznem stanju (brez krmila, koles, pedal, sedeža...)
in kolesa pri katerih je razvidno, da že precej časa niso bila v uporabi. Zato vas prosimo, da do roka čiščenja preverite stanje
svojega kolesa, ga vzpostavite v vozno stanje in ga po potrebi očistite.

Na ta način se bomo izognili nesporazumom in slabi volji.

Se zahvaljujemo za razumevanje.

v. d. direktorice Študentskih domov:
mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič

We would like to inform ali students living in Student Dormitories, that bicycle-sheds on all campuses will be cleaned
on 15th of April 2019. We will remove all bicycles that cannot be driven (bicycles without rudder, wheels, pedals, seats ...)
and bicycles where it is obvious that they have not be used for some time.

That is why we are asking you, to check the condition of your bicycle, make it drivable and clean it if necessary.
In this way we will avoid any kind of misunderstandings and bad moods.

Thank you for understanding.

v.d. director of Student Dormitories
Mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič