Stanovalce obveščamo,
da bodo v vseh referatih in pri gospodinjah
uradne ure, v sredo, 19. 6. 2019 od 8. do 13. ure.

Na ta dan bo menjava posteljnine možna do 13. ure.

Vljudno prosimo, da vse zadeve uredite v času uradnih ur.

Hvala za razumevanje.

V.d.direktorica ŠD UM
Mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič

We are informing all students,
that on Wednesday, 19th of June
working hours in the Student Office in all campuses
will be from 8 am to 1 pm.

We kindly ask you to arrange all necessary matters during the office hours.

We also inform you that on that day the bedline changing will be until 1 pm.

Thank you for understanding.

V.d. Director
Mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič