Stanovalce študentskega doma 4 obveščamo, da bo podjetje Saniteh d.o.o.:


V SREDO, 13.11.2019 od 9:00 ure, opravljalo dezinsekcijo proti faraonskim mravljam.


Pred dezinsekcijo vas prosimo, da očistite talne površine in poostrite higienski režim v  svojih prostorih. Na dan dezinsekcije pa pooblaščenim osebam omogočite neoviran dostop do svojih prostorov.


Dezinsekcija se bo izvajala po vseh sobah in ostalih prostorih s točkovno aplikacijo gela na infestirana mesta. V dnevih po nanosu je zaradi privlačnosti gela običajno opaziti precej povečano število mravelj.

Po navodilu proizvajalca gela mravlje izginejo po 12-14 tednih, v praksi po mesecu do mesecu in pol.

Zaradi učinkovitosti izvedbe dezinsekcije vas prosimo, da apliciranega gela ne brišete ali kako drugače odstranjujete.


Na ta način boste omogočili hitrejšo in kvalitetnejšo izvedbo dezinsekcije.


Se zahvaljujemo za razumevanje.


Direktorica Študentskih domov:

Mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič


We are informing all students of dormitory number 4 that company Saniteh d.o.o

will do the disinsection against pharaon ants, on WEDNESDAY, November 13, 2019 from 9:00 am .

Before disinsection, we are asking you to clean the floor surfaces and take really good care of the hygiene in your rooms and common spaces. On the day of the disinsection, allow authorized persons to have easy access to your rooms and common spaces.

Disinfestation will be carried out in all rooms and other common spaces with point application of gel to infested places. In days after the application,  due to the attractiveness of the gel, is usually quite noticeable increase number of ants.
According to the gel manufacturer's instructions, ants disappear after 12-14 weeks, in practice after a month to a month and a half.
For the sake of efficiency of disinsection, please do not clean the applied gel or otherwise remove it.

In this way you will enable faster and better execution of disinsection.

Thank you for your understanding.

Director of Student Dormitories:

Mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič