Vse stanovalce doma 14 obveščamo, da bo v petek, 19.6.2020 od 9:00 ure dalje v domu potekal redni vzdrževalni servis aktivne požarne zaščite.

Ob tem bo tehnik moral vstopiti v vsako sobo, da bo preveril delovanje senzorja dima.

Prosimo omogočite jim neoviran vstop, da bo servis potekal s čim manj motnjami.

Se zahvaljujemo za razumevanje.

Direktorica Študentskih domov:
Mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič

We are informing you that on Friday, 19th of June 2020, from 9:00 am, regular maintenance service of active fire protection will be held in dorm.

In this case, the technician will have to enter each room to check the operation of the smoke sensor.

Please allow them the entry so that service will take place with as little interference as possible.

Thank you for your understanding.

Student Home Director:
Mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič